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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Change? :)

原来自己那么的不成熟 笨死了
对不起 给你找麻烦了


要想办法 不能坐以待毙

好吧 是时候改变了
加油 钟慧冰! :)

Friday, October 18, 2013

爱情? :)

爱情 总是由友情开始 从相遇到相识 经过点点滴滴 变成了朋友 

一点的小挫折 一点的安慰 一点的陪伴 产生了好感 开始每一天的对话 互相了解 互相理解 

到了开始喜欢 开始吃醋 开始闹脾气 开始在乎 一切一切只因为喜欢的感觉 

到了忍无可忍 向对方告白 幸运的话 对方答应了 

开始一段充满幻想的恋爱 一切都非常美好 每天互相通信 互相通话 有机会便一起出去 不管是看一场电影 吃一顿饭 看着对方发呆 只要是在一起 每一天都是有意义的

但不懂什么时候开始 感情淡了 对话少了 有一方发现了这问题 提出来了 另一方总是说想太多了 所以也没管这事 不了了之

有一天 吵架了 总听着对方说不明白自己想什么 可是却没想过 缺少沟通了 因为一方的冲动 所以分开了 

提出那方开始后悔 开始不停寻找对方的身影 不管在什么时候总想着ta 一直被思念的痛苦折磨着 但却坚决不放弃

有一天 双方在街上相遇了 眼神对上了 冷漠的眼神 心被狠狠的打了一下 从朋友口中得知被对方讨厌了 心特别的疼 没多说 流下泪了 听了许多朋友的意见 到最后却放弃了 

有些时候 在错的时间遇到对的人 是一件非常非常遗憾的事情 也许后来还会遇到更适合 但某些时候 只因忘了把爱说出来 而错过一段美好的恋情 漏掉了这段回忆 是非常遗憾的.

爱的很深 心才会疼. :')

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Ohh ya. Finally I'm finish my PMR. Hmm. Can consider not bad but scare of bm and bc. Too bad. -,-Life is getting boring after PMR. Nothing to do. Don't have any plan in these days. Maybe I should start to study form 4 syllabus. Always let the elder friends call to study it before feeling regret. Okay. I'm just too lazy to touch it. 

Friendship problem is always there. Hmm. I miss the old us. Didn' hide anything from each other. Hey friend. I miss you badly. I really can't live without you. :/ Maybe I should tell you all these things to avoid misunderstand. Try to stay calm to face it. Tough time again. Arghh. 

Recently doesn't really miss you. I also don't know why. Emm. I miss my ex but also hate my ex. Maybe this situation seem like so weird but this is my true feeling. Gonna kill myself. -_-

Recently always watch 非常完美. So touching and feel like so unbelievable. This show make me flash back all the memories. I wish I could never be controlled by love. It's suffer. I hate that I'm loving others who I shouldn't love. What to do? God. Can you let me forget about it? I just wish to love my family and friends. I hate love between boys and girls seriously. It make me get in so many trouble. :( 

Wish to delete everything about love in my life. Suffer. 

Friday, August 30, 2013


Hehe. I'm here again After a few years maybe? Haha
I know I really let my bloggie full of dust but I really don't know what to write.
Errr. Talk about 2013. Hmmm. I have a happiest relationship compare to the past.
I really appreciate what the boy do for me and sorry for my attitude. So at last we broke up and become stranger. Feeling sad to lost a friend like him. But anyway. Life always moves on and I have to adapt to the situation about losing him.
In April, I went for a pangkor camp with buddies and it really fun and full of memories.
Sleeping with friends. Bathing with them. Laughing crazily. Miss the moment be with them. The happiest thing is get to become more closer with my loving seniors.:)
errr. In June. There was a camp organized by bsmm and I also take part in it. I get to know many new friends and meet with HIM. In this camp, I learn about everything won't go smooth If you are not to be hardworking. Meeting with him is the happiest thing in the camp. Hmm. Recently like falling in love with him but I think he never realise it. Buttt. I also don't know that is it I really love him. So I decided to go slow with him. He always so busy and don't have the free time to chat with me. I always hope that sometimes he will stop all his things and chat with me. But I know that it is impossible. Sooo. I just keep on annoying him without reason. Hmm. Maybe I should forget about it and study for my PMR.
Ohh ya. I'm going to have PMR next month and wish me good luck in all exam without careless mistake. I really hope that I will be more hardworking for my PMR and future.


Friday, June 15, 2012

朋友?你很假 :)

算了 是你们玩不起而已


'如果你要讨厌我就讨厌,反正少了你我又不会死' :)

不懂我的人,又何必向他们解释 :)

p/s:我想你了 :)